Throughout the game you will find a total of seven different gems: Amethyst, Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Skull Gem, and Topaz. Once socketed into the item, the gems make the once not magic weapon magical, adding special capabilities to that item. Gems, once socketed into armor or weapons, can be a huge advantage to the player's character.

Gems are a new and unique feature to Diablo II.

There are others not included in the above list, such as Diablo II still has great graphics, look and feel, and easy navigation tools available. The above are just some of the most noticeable game play differences. As your player skills increase or you join games with more skilled players, the creatures and areas increase in skill allowing for much more fun and difficult games and great re-playability.Also, stamina added to make player rest or consume potion to increase stamina to continue running. Teleports, once activated, quickly maneuver from location to location.Much larger areas and towns outside of the dungeon.Capability of moving the map to different portions of the screen allowing the player to have a better view but still see the map.New feature (by default the Alt button) that allows players to view all items on ground.